Posts tagged work
Age at Work – the Great Unifier, the Great Divider

What happens at work, and in workplaces, clearly has a lot to do with different jobs, occupations and class more generally, but workplaces are much more than that. Workplaces are also places of age, where age is “done”, is constructed and reconstructed, is experienced, celebrated and denied. At work, people are routinely assessed by age, sometimes in terms of being a certain number of years, more often through some form of cultural assessment of occupational or professional age – is this a young worker?

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Children need to catch up, but on work or play?

Life has been tough for everyone during the pandemic. We have all experienced fear, loneliness and a longing for normality. As adults, we could rationalise what was happening, but for children, particularly the very young, being suddenly unable to see Granny or attend playgroup has been perplexing and upsetting. However, the loss of play time is more than just a disappointment, it represents a notable loss of learning experiences and, due to inequality of access, it is children born into disadvantage who have lost out most of all.

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